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What is Distracted Driving?


Every day in the United States, nine people will die in car accidents where a distracted driver has been reported to be involved, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC also cites 3,142 deaths from distracted drivers in 2019 alone. Distracted drivers are a very real problem and a safety hazard in the U.S. Any activity that diverts a driver’s focus and attention from the act of driving is considered distracted driving, and doing so is incredibly dangerous. Not only can the distracted driver and anyone else in their car be vulnerable to catastrophic harm and death in an accident, but others on the road that are affected by a distracted driver can also suffer considerable physical bodily harm and lose their life.

If you were injured in a car accident in Oregon where there was a distracted driver, you should speak with an attorney immediately. You could be entitled to financial compensation for your losses, and an attorney can assist you in being successful with your claim. The experienced Oregon distracted driving accident attorneys at the Rosenbaum Law Group can advise you on what your options are with respect to obtaining compensation.

Defining Distracted Driving 

The CDC defines distracted driving in three ways. Distracted drivers are anyone that:

  1. Takes their eyes off the road.
  2. Takes their mind off of the act of driving.
  3. Takes their hands off the wheel of the car.

Due to the high risk of car accidents happening when drivers are distracted, several states have been trying to take legislative action as a means to remedy the problem. As a result, in some states, the use of cell phones while driving has been banned, and younger drivers have more significant restrictions on who they can have with them in the car when they drive. Violations can result in costly fines and even loss of license.

Distracted driving doesn’t only target passengers in other vehicles. As many as one in five people that lost their lives in 2019 due to distracted driving were not in cars. They were pedestrians walking, riding their bikes, and engaging in other various activities outside when their deadly crash happened.

When a car accident victim pursues a personal injury claim, they can calculate the totality of their damages to include in their claim. This means that all of the damages that they suffered, both those they are presently enduring and those that are anticipated to be suffered in the future, can be used when calculating the value of a claim. Typically, the more extensive damages that are sustained, the higher the payout will be.

Speak to an Oregon Personal Injury Attorney Today 

Distracted drivers are a hazard to everyone on the road, and if you were hit by one and injured, you might be entitled to financial compensation for your losses. Call a Portland personal injury attorney at the Rosenbaum Law Group today at (503) 288-8000. Your initial consultation with one of our seasoned attorneys is free.



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