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How to Obtain Compensation For a Back Injury


Many people suffer from some back pain that is constant and persistent, so much so that the pain can lead to complications like disablement.

Your back is composed of bones, muscles, and other soft tissues that extend from high up in your neck and all the way down to your pelvis. Any part of the back can be injured in an accident, but the lower back is the most vulnerable to harm. There are several ways someone may suffer a back injury, and unintentional injury accidents like motor vehicle crashes are some of the leading causes.

If another party caused your accident where you sustained back injuries, you should have legal counsel to help you secure the compensation you need to get better. You may require costly medical treatment, including surgery. For more information on what your case is worth and how to obtain compensation, you are welcome to call the Portland back injury attorneys at the Rosenbaum Law Group.

Securing Compensation After a Back Injury Accident

Some of the most common types of back injuries include:

  • Broken vertebrae and bone fractures
  • Herniated disks
  • Sprains
  • Strains

Back pain associated with injuries can be excruciating and, as a result, impair other aspects of life. The intense pain and stiffness that often come along with back injuries can reduce mobility and lead to a significant decrease in one’s quality of life.

Treating back injuries is possible because there are a variety of treatment options available. However, to determine the right approach, you must have your injuries diagnosed, and then proper treatment can be applied and tried. Despite having a potentially long road to recovery or being put on a long-term treatment plan, you may be able to find relief and healing.

Since some treatment options can include physical therapy, surgery, and prescription medicines, the medical costs associated with a back injury can be significant. Also, if you have to take time off from work, you may lose your ability to earn a living.

To get the compensation you need after a back injury accident, you must do the following:

  • Immediately seek medical attention after the injury accident.
  • Keep track of and organize all of your documentation related to your injury accident, your medical prognosis, and your treatment.
  • Keep pay stubs and have your employer sign off on the time you had to take away from work.
  • Keep a journal of your pain, treatment, emotional state, and daily life activities.

You may include damages such as your past and future medical expenses, missed wages, vocational training, mobility assistance devices you had to purchase, your pain and suffering, mental anguish, property damages that resulted from your accident, and more in your claim.

Speak to an Oregon Personal Injury Attorney Today

A Portland, OR, personal injury attorney at Rosenbaum Law Group can assess the value of your claim and negotiate with an insurance company to get you the total amount of compensation you are entitled to. If a personal injury claim must go to court, the legal team at Rosenbaum Law Group will be prepared to litigate and fight on your behalf for all you are owed.

Call Rosenbaum Law Group today at (503) 288-8000 to schedule a free consultation where you can discuss your case.



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