Monthly Archives: February 2025

The Most Common Logging Industry Injuries
Oregon is home to a significant portion of the lumber production industry in the United States, producing 5.22 billion board feet due to the ideal environment and conditions the state has, which is perfect for harvesting and processing lumber. While there is a high demand and need for lumbar, individuals who work in this… Read More »

The Leading Cause of Work-Related Amputation Injuries
Going to work shouldn’t be dangerous, but there are some industries where the risks of injury, accident, or death are high. Law enforcement, logging, and agriculture are industries where workers are more vulnerable to injury accidents than in other professions. However, anything can happen to anyone while they are on the job, and unexpected… Read More »

How Serious Burn Injuries Are Treated
While it is possible to use at-home care to treat minor burn injuries, severe burns usually require the assistance of a medical professional. For individuals with major burns, going to a specialized burn treatment center is often necessary. The American Burn Association reports that there are around 30,000 burn admissions to emergency departments annually,… Read More »

Most Common Causes of Weather-Related Car Accidents in Portland
Portland is known for many things, including its rainy climate. In Oregon, weather patterns are unpredictable, and as a result, slick, wet roads, paired with thick fog impairing visibility, can make driving more dangerous and increase the risk of car accidents. Knowing that weather can be a factor in safety when driving in and… Read More »