Category Archives: Personal Injury

How Attorney-Client Privilege Affect Personal Injury Cases
When an agreement to work together is signed between a client and their attorney, the relationship has certain protections. As the advocate for their client, an attorney represents their client’s best interests and aims to help them succeed in the legal case they are involved in. Based on the facts of the case and… Read More »

Understanding the Exceptions to Attorney-Client Privilege
Attorney-client privilege is a principle that is fundamental to the integrity of the practice of law. It allows clients to have faith in their legal counsel and can help them feel secure that their sensitive information related to their case will be protected from disclosure. As a result, they can feel more comfortable being… Read More »

Can You File a Personal Injury Claim if Symptoms of an Injury Don’t Show Up Right Away?
The best advice after a personal injury event like a car accident is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. There are two excellent reasons for this. The first is that prompt treatment and care can improve your outlook for healing and recovery. The second is that obtaining medical attention without delay documents… Read More »

Tips on How to Increase Your Personal Injury Claim Settlement
When negligence on the part of another party is why you were injured, then you may take legal action and file a personal injury claim to obtain the financial compensation you need to cover your damages. For example, car accidents are the most common reasons personal injury claims are filed. Every year, thousands of… Read More »

What Happens After the Court Has Scheduled Your Lawsuit?
If you were harmed by another party and sustained damages, you may be able to make a civil claim against them and recoup the losses you suffered. Likewise, if another party alleges you harmed them and they sustain losses, they would have the same ability to file a civil claim against you. Usually, negotiations… Read More »

Medical Malpractice VS Bad Medical Outcomes
Medical malpractice claims are notoriously difficult to win for patients when they go to trial. One of the biggest challenges for patients is proving that malpractice happened and not just a bad outcome because where a legal action is concerned, there is a difference between the two. Still, medical malpractice lawsuits are pretty common… Read More »

What is Attorney-Client Privilege?
Suppose you have been accused of a criminal act or were hurt in an injury accident. In that case, you may have called an attorney to help defend yourself from criminal charges or to pursue financial compensation for your damages. Your attorney aims to represent you to the best of their ability and secure… Read More »

What is a Wrongful Death Suit?
It is not uncommon for wrongful death suits and criminal cases to intertwine when a victim is killed. Indeed, in some situations, there is overlap, where a criminal act was committed that led to a death, and coincidingly, the loved ones of the deceased act on their own to sue the alleged assailant. However,… Read More »

Oregon’s Modified Comparative Negligence System and Your Personal Injury Claim
Oregon car crashes are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries. Individuals who suffer physical bodily harm after a crash (or for another reason like medical malpractice or from slipping and falling) may exercise their right to file a civil claim for financial compensation. Civil cases, like personal injury suits, allow individuals who… Read More »

6 Reasons Why Rollover Crashes Happen
Any car accident can be a dangerous and deadly one but rollover accidents produce some of the highest rates of severe injuries, catastrophe, and death. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 42,939 lives were lost in car accidents in the United States in 2021. For rollover crashes, though, despite only making… Read More »