How Long Can A Coma Last After A Car Accident?

When the brain is harmed in a car accident, there are several outcomes, including traumatic brain injury. When the head is impacted in a crash, there is a greater risk that an individual can suffer a coma. When a coma happens, the individual is put in a deep state of unconsciousness for some amount of time. During the time an individual is in a coma, they are unable to respond to their surroundings, and they also cannot move.
If you suffered a coma or if your loved one is in a coma as a result of their accident, this can be a scary position to be in. Not knowing if they will come out of it or how long it will last can be highly distressing. And, wondering if there will be some amount of permanent physical or psychological damage when they do come out of their coma is a lot to think about and worry over.
When it was another party’s negligence that caused an accident that led to your coma or that of your loved one, then you may be able to take legal action and seek justice. You may be able to recover financial compensation for the losses that were sustained, including the emotional trauma that transpired during such an ordeal. In Oregon, the Portland brain injury lawyers at Rosenbaum Law Group are here for you and prepared to support you and help you get the compensation you deserve.
The Outcome for a Coma
The way that a coma happens and how severe it is are two significant factors that will dictate how long it will last. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) indicates that a coma will not last more than two to four weeks for most people. However, it is possible for a coma to last for years or decades. When a person is in a coma for a prolonged period of time, it is often an infection that causes death.
Coma patients are under constant supervision and monitoring to assess their level of awareness. Some signs that a person is regaining consciousness and coming out of a coma include:
- Opening their eyes
- Responding verbally
- The ability to move and react to commands
The Glasgow Coma Scale is used to score the level of impaired consciousness in a coma patient. When a head injury is being scored using the GCS, the ranges are:
- 13 to 15: Concussion, mild traumatic brain injury
- 9 to 12: Moderate traumatic brain injury
- 3 to 8: Severe traumatic brain injury
Speak to an Oregon Brain Injury Attorney Today
Car accidents can have devastating outcomes, including traumatic brain injuries that can cause comas. Depending on the circumstances under which you or your loved one’s coma happened and how extensive the damage was will determine how long it can last. The most extreme cases can last many years.
For help after a car accident in Oregon, please call our Portland personal injury lawyers at Rosenbaum Law Group at (503) 288-8000 to schedule a free consultation today.