Obtaining Compensation After a Drunk-Driving Crash in Oregon

Drunk driving is illegal, and it is also unacceptable. Every day, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that as many as 37 people die in the United States due to a drunk-driving crash. In other words, every day, 37 people needlessly lose their lives in drunk-driving crashes, which are entirely preventable.
If a drunk driver injured you or a loved one, you may think that your case is clear enough that you can file your injury claim alone. However, dealing with insurance adjusters and getting fair compensation for damages is usually a difficult task for a car accident victim to do without help. It is an even harder thing to do when you are injured and also trying to recover.
The Portland drunk driver accident lawyers at Rosenbaum Law Group can help you take legal action after your accident. While you focus on getting better, our legal team will fight on your behalf and focus on getting you the most compensation possible from your claim.
Obtaining Financial Compensation from the Insurance Company After an Oregon Drunk Driving Crash
A drunk driver may face criminal penalties for their actions, and rightfully so. But the criminal penalties a drunk driver experiences will not pay for the damages like medical bills or lost wages you incurred. So, to help you with your financial hardships it is imperative that you are able to secure the total amount of compensation you are entitled to from your car accident claim.
To accomplish this, you could file a claim with your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Your PIP benefits include paying for many of the out-of-pocket expenses you sustain as a result of the crash.
You could also file a claim against the drunk driver’s insurance that caused your crash. Although, despite Oregon’s car insurance laws requiring drivers to have car insurance, not every driver follows the laws. A driver who is inclined to break the law and drive while intoxicated could also be less than motivated to follow the laws and have car insurance. When this is the case and a drunk driver does not have insurance, you may file a claim with your uninsured/underinsured car accident coverage.
Being hit and injured by a drunk driver can cause you to suffer injuries that are life-altering to where you will never be the same again. When a reckless individual decides to get behind the wheel drunk and hits you causing you damages, you have the right to take action and obtain the compensation you need for your losses.
Speak to an Oregon Drunk Driving Accident Attorney Today
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2009-2018, there were 1,176 people who died in drunk-driving crashes in the state of Oregon. Individuals injured by drunk drivers or families that lose loved ones after crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers should speak to an attorney immediately to start the claims process for the compensation they are owed.
If you would like help with a car accident injury claim, you are welcome to schedule a free consultation with a Portland, OR, personal injury attorney at Rosenbaum Law Group today by calling (503) 288-8000.