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The Leading Cause of Work-Related Amputation Injuries


Going to work shouldn’t be dangerous, but there are some industries where the risks of injury, accident, or death are high. Law enforcement, logging, and agriculture are industries where workers are more vulnerable to injury accidents than in other professions. However, anything can happen to anyone while they are on the job, and unexpected work-related accidents can lead to serious injuries and even lifelong impairment.

Amputation injury accidents can happen in several situations. When they do, the quality of life a worker once had can change very quickly. The loss of a limb can be devastating. However, while financial compensation will never help an amputation victim be whole again, it can help tremendously with the extensive costs of long-term care and losses that were suffered.

The Portland amputation injury attorneys at Rosenbaum Law Group know how serious amputation injuries are and how much they adversely impact life. Recovering the most compensation to help pay for the damages resulting from an amputation injury accident is essential. An attorney at Rosenbaum Law Group can help victims get the full amount of justice and compensation they deserve.

How Do Many Amputation Injury Accidents Happen? 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, machinery is involved in the majority of amputation injuries at work. Recently, it was reported that there were over 6,000 cases of work-related amputation injuries. While the median recovery time for all types of reported injuries is around nine days, individuals who sustained a work-related amputation injury had to take a median of 31 days off of work. This means that amputation injury victims have to spend much more time away from work for far longer than many other individuals who are injured while on the job. Being unable to return to work for such a long time can lead to a serious financial strain due to losing out on the ability to earn regular income coupled with the high cost of medical care.

Knowing what avenues exist to obtain compensation is critical for someone who sustained a work-related amputation injury. Under Oregon’s workers’ compensation laws, amputation injuries that happened at work allow injured individuals to use their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance to help with some of the resulting expenses, like medical costs and even a portion of lost wages. However, because amputation injuries are considered catastrophic, it can also be possible to obtain disability benefits through Social Security. Finally, if a third party’s negligence causes a workplace accident that leads to an amputation injury, not only can a victim use their employer’s workers’ compensation coverage, but they may also pursue additional compensation through an injury suit against the party that caused their accident.

Speak to an Oregon Amputation Injury Attorney Today 

If you would like assistance taking legal action after an amputation injury in Oregon, the Portland personal injury attorneys at Rosenbaum Law Group are here for you and prepared to help. To schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney you are welcome to call (503) 288-8000 today.



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