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What is a Phantom Driver?


There is no automobile accident that isn’t stressful—even those accidents where everyone exchanges information and minor damage is done. Still, when an accident happens because of another driver’s negligence, and there is little information about them, when it comes to recovering compensation, the process can be more difficult and overwhelming.

If you were in a car accident because of another driver’s behavior, then you may be the victim of a phantom driver car accident. Like hit-and-run accidents, a driver’s reckless behavior causes an accident, but they leave the scene without accountability for their actions.

Phantom driver accidents can be challenging for victims to obtain compensation, but it is not impossible. Knowing what steps to take after a phantom car accident in Oregon can help you protect yourself and your rights to compensation.

For assistance with a phantom driver accident claim, please call a Portland phantom car accident attorney at Rosenbaum Law Group.

How Phantom Accidents Happen 

If you have driven for some time or even if you are a relatively new driver, there are probably times you can recall when you had to adjust your driving behavior to account for someone else. For example, have you ever driven near a car that began to veer into your lane, and, to avoid having them hit you, you sped up or swerved out of the way? Well, if you were ever in this situation and you ended up hitting another driver, a pedestrian, a bicyclist, or another party, then you were involved in a phantom accident.

A phantom car accident happens when one car driver irresponsibly causes an accident even though they don’t physically hit other vehicles. After causing an accident, the phantom driver drives away from the accident either because they didn’t realize what they did or because they knew they caused an accident but didn’t want to be held responsible.

Often, the reason why phantom car accidents happen is because a driver is distracted and not paying attention to others and their surroundings. Distraction while driving is incredibly dangerous for everyone.

It is critical that after a phantom car accident, you call the police. You should also not delay in calling your insurance to report the incident. Additionally, if you were injured, you should immediately seek medical attention.

Then, because of how complicated these claims can be, obtaining compensation can be a difficult task. The insurance company is not going to want to pay for your damages despite the fact that the accident was not your fault. Here, getting in touch with an attorney who has experience with phantom car accident claims is critical to your ability to recover the compensation you need.

Speak to an Oregon Phantom Car Accident Attorney Today 

When drivers are not responsible for their driving behavior, and they neglect their duty of care to others on the road, causing car accidents, victims should not have to bear the burden of paying for the costs of their damages out of their own pocket.

If you would like assistance after a phantom car accident in Oregon, please call our Portland personal injury lawyers at Rosenbaum Law Group at (503) 288-8000 to schedule a free consultation today.



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