Why Documenting Your Burn Injuries Can Help Your Personal Injury Suit

A burn accident can leave you disfigured and in pain. Depending on how bad your burn injury accident is, you could also suffer several other painful damages, such as circulation issues, infection, organ failure, loss of sensation, and more.
Burn injuries are typically organized into four categories: first, second, third, and fourth-degree burns. First-degree burn injuries are the least invasive and mildest, while fourth-degree burns can be severe and even deadly.
When your burn injury accident is the result of negligence on behalf of another party or entity, then you may be able to file a personal injury claim for compensation for your losses and the suffering you had to endure. An attorney experienced with a burn injury accident can review your case and provide you with the legal guidance and representation you need to obtain the highest amount of compensation possible.
In Oregon, our Portland burn injury attorneys at Rosenbaum Law Group know how to evaluate burn injury cases and fight to secure the most possible from a burn injury accident claim.
The Importance of Documentation After a Burn Injury
The first thing to do after a burn injury accident is to seek medical attention and get treatment. Getting seen by a medical professional who can quickly attend to your injuries can give you the best outlook for future healing and recovery. Seeing a medical provider also is proof of the burn injury you sustained.
After you have been cared for by a licensed medical provider, documenting how your burn injuries change is essential. With time, burn injuries tend to change. This is because as inflammation is reduced and skin starts to rejuvenate and repair, the look of your burn injuries will vary in appearance over time. This visual evidence can speak to the extent of your injuries and the healing process you had to go through.
In addition to taking pictures and documenting the time it takes you to heal, you should also keep a journal. Writing down your feelings and your journey through recovery can add a descriptive story to the visual documentation of your harm.
Everyone’s experience is different as they navigate the personal injury claim process. Most personal injury claims, including burn injury claims, tend to settle outside of court. However, how a case will go can never be predicted. It is possible that your case may go to court, and then your path to obtaining compensation could take months or years. If your injuries are healed by the time your court date comes about, you will want to have evidence to show a jury what they once were and what you had to go through.
Speak to an Oregon Personal Injury Attorney Today
Burn injuries can cause substantial pain and prolonged suffering. They could lead to permanent disfigurement and death. Obtaining the most compensation from a claim is critical. For help with a burn injury claim, please call a Portland, OR, personal injury attorney at Rosenbaum Law Group at (503) 288-8000 to schedule a free consultation.